Be the Way You Are!

Long back when I moved from my town to another and when you move from your town to another, you start living by yourself and being by yourself means, you can get more Me Time.
So I got that too and I started spending more time reading my Bible and praying.
There in that city I used to spend time with a lady name Amy, who was my mentor too and I used to spend time with her reading Bible and praying
So, once Amy and I were reading a Bible verse, that was, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
Psalm 139:14
When we read this Bible verse I was actually thinking “am I really fearfully and wonderfully made.”
And I actually asked her, “am I really fearfully and wonderfully made.”
She smiled and said, “ofcourse Karishma! we all are!”
We read this Bible verse because I was sharing with her that I always feel to be someone else or something else which I am not because I am not very happy for who I am.
She helped me with this Bible verse and she actually taught me that, “Karishma no matter how different we are but we all are different in a good way because if we are not different from each other then that would be so boring to live for being the same.
And I actually realised and understood that few days back when I was teaching my students a story about “A Little Monkey.”
And I asked a question to my students,
“Do you want all your wishes to come true?”
And they all replied me with a big “yes!”
I again asked them, “do you really want all your wishes to come true?”
And they again replied me with the same answer.
I once again asked them the same question as it was the final question and they all told me “Yes Ma’am! all wishes.”
I said, “Let’s learn about a “Little Monkey” who just wanted to be the strongest and big.
And he was very impressed by the other animals and he just wanted to be like those animals.”
He wanted a trunk like elephant, long neck like giraffe and stripes like zebra.
He got all that and then he went to a river to see how wonderful he was looking.
But when he saw his reflection in the water he screamed, cried and said, “there is a monster in the river.”
But soon he realised that, that was not a monster that was his reflection only, because he wanted to be something else and someone else so all his wishes came true and now he does not look like a monkey, elephant, giraffe or zebra.
Now he is a different creature.
So for one last time he wished for, to be himself again and he turned into himself again and he never wanted to be someone else ever again.
So I again asked them, “Do you still want all your wishes to be true?” and this time my children said, “Not all wishes Ma’am.”
Sometimes we want to fit in any group of people or in any society and for that we start changing ourself without even noticing that we are trying to be someone else and we will eventually miss, “who we really are” and try to become something what we are not.
And this feeling causes to be alone and lonely.
We need to understand that, “we are unique the way we are.”
I often see that people compare each other and appreciate the one and discourage the others. We ask people to copy this one person whom we are appreciating and want others to become like that person but can it really happened? can this person really copy others whom we are not appreciating and can others really copy the person whom people are appreciating?
According to me, it’s a big “NO!”
But we don’t realise that we are trying to break someone down by trying to build someone up. And when people try to be someone else they cannot be themselves as they try to leave their own way and their try to live in other’s way.
Just like the little monkey who tried to be like others but he lost what he was.
Because God created you, just to be you! When you were born, the Lord had an amazing plan in his mind for you. He wants you to follow His plan as the person He made you not as the person who is next to you, because you are a unique and a masterpiece that God has created.
A very beautiful Bible verse says:
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10
You don’t need to waste time for feeling inadequate or comparing yourself to others. While you can learn “great things from other people”, you do not need to be envious of anyone else or try to be someone else. Jesus is excited to watch you turning into a beautiful spirit and a person
There is no reason to change that, no matter what anyone else says or thinks about you!
We need to learn great things from others but don’t try to turn yourself into others!
We are God’s beautiful masterpiece he loves us the way we are and he knitted us wonderfully in our mother’s womb.
Always remember and say to yourself:
“I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
So just to show some people, to fit in any group of people or to fit in any society, you don’t need to pretend what you are not because you are unique the way you are.
You can never satisfy all the people around you, I once heard Priyanka Chopra saying, “No matter how hard you try there will always be someone who will always be unhappy with you.”
So you work on yourself to improve yourself and work on the things God has appointed you for, all things that God has sent you for.
1. Be a hand of support.
2. Be a person to encourage others.
3. Be a shoulder for someone to cry on.
4. And be yourself in the way God has created you.
5. You are amazing the way you are
Always remember that you are God’s masterpiece created by his hand.
I know just by reading one blog it is not easy to start thinking that we will be doing it and will change our thoughts about ourselves and about others.
It is a little by little everyday process because we are God’s masterpiece and fearfully and wonderfully made.
Finally I just want to say,
Respect yourself the way you are made and the way you are.
Respect others the way they look and the way they are.

By: Karishma George